Here’s the short story of how the south Florida art community came together to send a message of hope to the islands. Lander Talbott has been traveling back and forth to the Bahamas in the wake of Hurricane Dorian providing relief and assistance to the devastated islands. filling up containers full of supplies donated by local communities and distributing them in grand Bahama and the Abacos.
As the Bahamians begin to rebuild their lives these containers he organized will remain in the islands to act as temporary housing and supply storage. So, to avoid rusty containers arriving on their shores, Lander teamed up with Davel Art to bring some light in a project called Art for Abaco (@artforabaco)
Davel Art
This past Sunday was one for the books! It all started from a phone call from @landerdotcom wondering if I could paint a container filled with relief supplies heading to the Bahamas.
During the course of his Bahamas relief work, Lander had noticed a painted heart on a container at the shipping yard he’d been bringing supplies to, and though it was small and simple, there was something heartwarming and hopeful about it. He had been working on another shipment to the islands and had access to containers that were heading that way and thought to give me a call to see if I would paint one. I arrived and started working a few days later and shared the idea with some of my artist friends. In one day, these 10 or so containers were completely transformed into beautiful works so that amongst the destruction and loss there would be beauty and the hope of feelings of support/assurance that their islands will be beautiful again. .
Thank you @landerdotcom for securing sponsors, your hard work buffing containers with @sirstevealot aka Jimmy “Buff-it”, and more importantly, for your inspiring dedication to the islands.
Thank you, @imjustlivinmike , for keeping all us artists fed and hydrated.
Thank you, @ellieaugust and your family for getting us all the buff paint we needed.
Thank you to all the artists that came together last minute to make these containers truly amazing! Artists: @cpwon @bulk_styles @phdgraphitti @remoteroc @emo_561 @syfer_mag @chnkfondue @hieroveiga @erickarbeling @tackz_am7_tsl #ArtforAbaco
-Davel Art
Claudio Picasso
Here are pics from just some of the work done over the weekend now headed to The Bahamas. Shipping containers filled with relief supplies for Abaco were personalized by South Florida artists. Big thanks to @landerdotcom and @davel_art for helping to put it all together #artforabaco #fortpierce #bahamasstrong #conch #shippingcontainer #streetart #spraypaint #mural #cp1
-Claudio Picasoo
Several weeks ago, Hurricane Dorian was on the war path & us South Floridians dodged a bullet. However, Grand Bahama & Abaco weren't so fortunate & were utterly devastated. Much of the islands were literally wiped off of the map & the good people & animals there are in desperate need of pretty much everything. In response to this crisis, Jack McCulley (McCulley Marine), @landerdotcom & @ellieaugust came together to organize & ship many tons of donated supplies of food, water, tools, clothing, generators, pampers, fuel, building materials etc etc to the islands.
And what started as an idea to paint one of the bland containers by @davel_art quickly tuned into an all out & last minute effort to beautify all 10 by numerous South Florida artists.
@artforabaco The containers will stay on the islands to provide storage & shelter. This past Sunday was an inspiring day, where so many people came together to help in a dusty & windy ship yard.
I can't express how happy I am to have been a part of this great effort!
PHD Graffitti
Art for Abaco detail. Had a great time painting shipping containers for Bahamas hurricane relief. They will filled with supplies ,delivered and left for use on the islands. Thank you @davel_art @landerdotcom @ellieaugust for putting this together and having me. Shout out all the other dope artists who participated. @remoteroc @emo_561@bulk_styles@chnkfondue@tackz_am7_tsl@davel_art @cpwon U @hieroviega and @erickarbelling
-PHD Graffitti
Going out to Abaco in the Bahamas. Had a great time with some homies just doing what we do best. This was a great experience and I am thankful to have been apart of it. Big shout out to @davel_art @landerdotcom @ellieaugust @artforabaco they are accepting donations all week monday thru friday 11-1. Dm @landerdotcom to get the details.
-Chkfodue @chnkfondue
Eric Karbeling
Decided to paint an angel fish since the only time I've seen one was snorkeling in the Bahamas and an angel fit perfectly with the project's goals and mission. The containers and have been loaded up with supplies, put onto a barge and are en route to the Bahamas. They will be used as permanent structures on the island for anything needed while adding some color. WIll be posting a full video of the experience soon!
Thanks so much to everyone involved in making this happen!!
-Eric Karbeling
Eduardo Mendieta
I had a great time painting this shipping container for Art for Abaco, Bahamas hurricane relief. They will be filled with supplies ,delivered and left for use on the islands. Thank you @davel_art @landerdotcom @ellieaugust for putting this together and having me.
-Eduardo Mendieta
Once again it’s on w my dude @hieroveiga /// he and I and a gang of other artists spent this past Sunday painting shipping containers in Fort Pierce for Bahamas relief efforts. These containers will be filled with much needed supplies for the people in the Bahamas. The containers will then be left on the islands for use as shelter and or storage. Happy and grateful to have taken part in the project and hopefully brighten someone’s day w our efforts. /// Huge thanks goes out to @landerdotcom @artforabaco @davel_art and @ellieaugust for organizing the undertaking. Thanks also to all the locals that came out to support throughout the day. Big up all the other artist that rocked as well @phdgraphitti @emo_561 @bulk_styles @chnkfondue @cpwon @erickarbeling @tackz_am7_tsl @davel_art @syfer_mag and more to come. #artforabaco #bahamasrelief #bahamasreliefeffort #remoteroc #hieroveiga
Hiero Veiga
Help Us Continue to Transport Teams and Items to the Bahamas
Purchase a Bahamas Strong shirt and profits will help to rebuild and restore the areas of the Bahamas affected by Hurricane Dorian.