At Island Camps, we are committed to the safety of our campers, staff, and families.
As we come out of Covid, we will still comply with the CDC guidelines and will stay informed on all updates to insure we are implementing all measures and procedures to keep everyone healthy and safe.
Our staff is background checked, and trained in CPR/First Aid and we work closely with the lifeguard staff at all locations.
Over the last several years, the camp has been filling quickly. We have moved registration strictly online. We no longer take walk-up registrations. Please register online beforehand as our camp weeks have continued to sell out.
We will continue to maintain a daily drop-off and pick-up log of attendance to record all campers to facilitate contact tracing as necessary. This also helps us keep an accurate tab of attending campers for financial reports to the city. (We do not keep a “visitor log” as we do not allow any visitors to attend camp.)
Drop off at each location is between 8:30 am and 9 am. Pick-up is from 3 pm - 3:30 pm. Parents must park and come to our check-in and check out their campers at the end of the day. Please bring your driver’s license at pick up. If you prefer for someone else to pick up your camper, they must be added to your form or written notice must be given to our camp manager.
IMPORTANT: During pick up and drop off, meters are enforced by the city. Tickets have been issued to parents who do not pay their meters.

Our camp administrator Linsey Cottrell is the primary contact for Island Camps and is our designated COVID-19 point of contact. If you have any questions, please feel free to email her at
Any employee or camper with a temperature above 100.1 degrees Fahrenheit or who appears to have flu-like symptoms or other symptoms related to COVID-19 upon arrival, or who becomes sick during the day, will immediately be separated from other employees, campers, and customers, and sent home. Island Camps will provide hand sanitizer in multiple locations throughout camp for ease of use and hand washing will be encouraged throughout the day.
All shared equipment will be sanitized each day. Surfboards, tents, and camp necessities will be required to be sanitized every day at the end of camp before being stored in the camp trailer. All equipment will be sprayed with Lysol, left to dry in the sun for 3-5 minutes then rinsed and dried off before being stored.
Single-use equipment, such as items for crafts and ocean education will not require sanitation. These single-use products will be disposed of immediately after use, and any crafts that are designed to be brought home will be sanitized before leaving camp with aerosol disinfectant.
Sunscreen is a vital part of keeping our kids safe from the harmful rays of the Florida sun. Instructors will monitor the camper's proper sunscreen application.
If the weather becomes threatening or unsuitable to operate the camp safely, we will immediately relocate to the Pavilion for shelter.
If your child plans to attend surf camp, we ask that they be a strong swimmer. Water wings and personal flotation devices (life vests) are not used at camp.
Our staff is trained in first aid, CPR, and background checks through the city. We keep a low counselor-to-camper ratio to keep a good eye on all campers. We also work closely with the lifeguard staff.